Our Chief Information Officer service

Author: Adrian McGarry

As a Chief Information Officer, one of my proudest moments was enabling organisation-wide distance learning and remote working for charity staff, school staff and students during the start of the pandemic.

Preparation for the continuity of education for three schools, serving our communities in three UK locations, was an outstanding achievement.

Enabling beneficiary grant systems to help five thousand people was truly monumental.

Being able to achieve this simultaneously across different sectors, when the organisations need it most, is where a CIO performs their regular role.

Over £1m was spent in grants between five companies in the first month of lockdown.

In total, £2m in grants provided to thousands of people that the charities helped.

All this was developed in the first two weeks from inception to live, but it was then continuously developed agilely when workflows evolved or new companies required grant-giving.

Being a CIO requires flexibility, the skills to switch focus, and the ability to apply technical knowledge when finding solutions, sometimes to non-technical problems. These skills are born out of experience and honed during crises.

It also requires being a critical friend to the executive board and stakeholders, knowing or getting to know the business, applying your experience and knowledge of executing best practices to projects and critical tasks, and honing people’s skills to get the best out of all the organisation’s teams.

Creating ground-breaking solutions by knowing what best practices are and using proven methods to develop these further and implement them into time-saving, practical solutions.

We listen to people!  Technology is just one part of the equation. We always remember that talking to people, listening and understanding the journey from “this” to “that” is often the key.  A client once told me, “You don’t talk technical to us! Your teams take their time to understand, then advise us!”.

We want to be an enabler to your visions and help you reach your goals and evolve them!

Call us “virtual” or “as a service.” These are examples of what Ascot London Consulting can do for you! Call us, email, read our articles, and share.


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